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I use paint to explore places where language cannot go.  Before letters and characters were used to express concrete ideas and concepts, each mark made in the world existed on its own as a force which participated with the maker and the viewer . Paint articulates a truth that we have overlooked and enables potential we have forgotten.

In my practice, I am discovering how the act of painting connects us with the source. The way paint is mixed and applied parallels how we form and express ideas, learn about and interact with the physical world .

This body of work is mainly focused on unlearning what we are taught. Through the simple sense of looking, I hope to question conditions and indoctrination that has led humanity to this point in time.

I aim at normalizing “nonsense” as a way of explaining consciousness outside of the rational, into the spiritual. Contradiction is proof of balance.  We cannot understand a force in total until we understand both its polarities.

Isaac Blaise Hurwitz
September 2021


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